Elective Courses

ModuleLV TypeCPLVDatesExamination
Advanced Software EngineeringFach-/Modulprüfung5385073
Control EngineeringFach-/Modulprüfung3384927
High Precision Glass Optics ManufacturingFach-/Modulprüfung6385145
Intelligent Monitoring of Engineering SystemsFach-/Modulprüfung4415915
Vorlesung379948Mi 10:30-12:00 001 (1830|001) (×1)
Mi 10:30-12:00 SFo 10 (1821|010) (×1)
Übung379949Mi 09:15-10:00 SFo 10 (1821|010) (×1)
International Factory PlanningFach-/Modulprüfung387299
Vorlesung/Übung381185Fr 08:15-11:15 H05 (1385|105) (×6)
Vorlesung/Übung381185Fr 08:15-11:15 H05 (1385|105) (×6)
Modeling, Model Reduction and Simulation in Laser Processing - ApplicationsFach-/Modulprüfung5411801
Modeling, Model Reduction and Simulation in Laser Processing - DesignFach-/Modulprüfung5385582
Vorlesung/Übung381902Mo 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mo 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Di 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Di 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mi 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mi 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Do 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Do 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Fr 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Fr 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Vorlesung/Übung381902Mo 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mo 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Di 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Di 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mi 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mi 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Do 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Do 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Fr 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Fr 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Modeling, Model Reduction and Simulation in Laser Processing - LaserFach-/Modulprüfung5385689
Vorlesung/Übung381748Di 15:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Vorlesung/Übung381748Di 15:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Multibody DynamicsFach-/Modulprüfung6385122
Vorlesung381543Mo 10:30-12:00 Knorr-Bremse-Hörsaal (H04) (1385|103) (×13)
Übung382866Fr 08:30-10:00 H06 (1385|004) (×12)
Principles of Power ElectronicsFach-/Modulprüfung4385842
Prozessanalyse in der FertigungstechnikFach-/Modulprüfung5385152
Vorlesung381724Fr 08:30-10:00 H11 (1385|218) (×12)
Übung382444Fr 10:15-11:00 H10 (1385|217) (×12)
Simulation Techniques in Manufacturing Technology (STMT)Fach-/Modulprüfung6386727